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Thread #73870   Message #1285068
Posted By: Jeri
30-Sep-04 - 01:50 PM
Thread Name: Why I Will Not Watch the Debate (s)
Subject: RE: Why I Will Not Watch the Debate (s)
I saw a piece on the news last night about how both candidates were trying to elimate shots of whoever wasn't speaking. They had a clip from a Bush/Gore debate which showed Gore sighing and expressing something akin to "Oh cripes...not THAT tired old crap again." I remember it, and I think it was important to see it. Personally, I was thinking "bullshit," but Gore's non-comment was more eloquent. The news guys said it was embarrassing to Gore, but I was watching FOX News. Somehow, I think it was really embarrassing to only Bush. If the candidates aren't going to interact at all, at least they could use body language to comment. (Which is probably the primary reason one or both don't want it shown.)

I'm gonna watch, just out of curiousity about what's going to go wrong.