The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73912   Message #1285693
Posted By: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull
01-Oct-04 - 03:20 AM
Thread Name: BS: Putting Dead People in the Freezer.
Subject: RE: BS: Putting Dead People in the Freezer.
Anyway-waht if you got alive again in the future, and they put your head on a woman or a midget or something?
you would get intrested in women stuff like shoes and stuff.
and look stupid, ie woman with beard, and people would take the piss.

any way=this remind me of film, with that german bloke from the guiinneess averts , rutger hower?
i think he's german, [he's really tall].
and in film =if they go to far away from people, there head falls of in ex plosion, [special collar like dog].
it was good film, but gorfgot wahts it called now.