The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #19461   Message #1285804
Posted By: Bob Bolton
01-Oct-04 - 05:28 AM
Thread Name: Origins: Put Your Little Foot (Varsouvienna)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Varsouvianna
G'day masato (& all),

The Glen Ohlin version is a rather odd rendition (transcription timing errors ... ?) of a standard Varsovienne tune attached to Put Your Little Foot lyrics. The other versions are further from good dance rhythm ... except the "Oldtime Fiddle Book" version, which a a totally different tune - also collected here in Australia - but as a waltz (it lacks all the distinctive internal and external rhyhms of a Varsovienne). That ("OTFB") tune was collected here as someone's (I should check ... but I'm on my dodgy dial-up that vanishes when not watched ... or even then!) Waltz ... and is better known as the tune to a song (popular among post-WWII students as) She Played Her Guitar.

I have also found a collected version of the song Babes in the Wood - as popular in Australia to the tune of one of the standard Varso tunes. I'm about to nip out for some necessary shopping ... but I'll post the words and a MIDItext version of the tune later tonight. (Well ... that might depend on whether it looks significantly different from the versions in the DigiTrad ... the first of which seems to be the same tune as Glenn Ohlin's Put Your Little Foot.

