The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #14733   Message #128607
Posted By: katlaughing
27-Oct-99 - 11:48 AM
Thread Name: Retirement/Retreat Community for M'cats
Subject: RE: Retirement/Retreat Community for M'cats
WW, I seriously think that is a fantastic and NOT unrealistic idea! We certainly have enough creative writers and at least two seasoned actors among us.

As for doctors, all we have to do is get Mark to leave Hawaii and I think it's BJ? in England and we'll have our own Mudcatter docs. Plus, I know we have several massage therapists and others into the alternative practices I favour.

Pete, I agree with you wholeheartedly. Thanks for taking me seriously, too.

'Spaw....uh, have you checked yer drawers lately?**BG**

Tony, that is what I was thinking. LOTS, AND LOTS OF LAND! And, you're right, with us there, it is central!

To all you tropics lovers and ocean goers (keep the good earth under MY feet!) my son-in-law, theorectically could get land for free on his native island, Antigua! But, I don't think it would be a very large maybe it could be an offshoot for those who need the sun and surf once in awhile.

For some intersting perusing of potential sites in the UK (I know we haven't talked about that, yet) please click here AND for some REALLY GOOD PRICES ON LARGE PIECES OF LAND in Den's neck of the woods, Nova Scotia, click here.

My place is going to be cozy with fireplaces, dried herbs and flowers hanging from the rafters, lots of windows and a deep porch with rocking chairs for everyone, as well as a big kitchen and old farm table to gather round. There will always be a faint secnt of catnip drying on the air, as well as Tibetan incense and a few cats and at least one dog in residence. And, Rick is right, there will be mystical, metaphysical symbols all over, just as there are now in my house, from windchimes to stained glass pieces, to wall hangings.

Out back, Rog will have a little building full of all of his electronic gear, including the infernal television. There will probably be a satellite dish and antenna or two. Hell, if he gets it together we might even have to pay some of you to assemble parts and ship them out! Course, he'll have comfy recliners and a beer fridge or even a tap out there for everyone who can't miss their baseball games or BBC dramas.

When we're feeling frisky, we'll wander over to Escamillo's and listen to him serenade and drink manzanilla with him. And, we'll feed the old bull which has become kind and gentle as Escamillo. Heck, we'll even put garlands of flowers on his horns on Mayday.

One night of the week, everyone who wants to can come join me in a circle of meditation, healing, and giving thanks. And, on the full moons, we'll meet out back in the grove circle, with a campfire, songs, and meditations/prayers. Once a month, I'll host an automatic writing circle. The person who wants a question answered will sit in the north, while the rest of us sit in a circle with them. They will write out their question and send it to us by thought only. While we sit there with quiet music on, candles and incense burning, we will write down the impressions we get, or draw the pictures we see in our mind's eye which might give the person an answer to what is troubling them. (This works, I used to do this back East.) Some of us may find ourselves writing a poem which sounds cryptic, but when read to the questioner, makes perfect sense. Others may sketch out a beautiful scene, while others of us will write first impressions down in a kind of stacatto frenzy. All will come together in a Cosmic message of what the questioner is looking for help on.

We will always close the circle by singing Stand on the Shore, reworded slightly from Libana's version, which they titled "Sisters Now Our Meeting Is Over":

Friends now our meeting is over
Friends we must part
And, if I never see you anymore
I will love you in my heart
Yes, we'll land on the shore
Yes, we'll land on the shore
Yes, we'll land on the shore
And, be safe forevermore

Blessed Be,
