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Thread #73892   Message #1286310
Posted By: Nerd
01-Oct-04 - 03:38 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bush Declared Winner of First Debate....
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Declared Winner of First Debate....
Yes, Ron, I for one watched carefully and saw what really happened. I did see those times when Kerry gave a bad answer, and those when Bush gave a good answer. But overall, I think Kerry won.

So does Time Magazine, incidentally:

Who will benefit the most from the evening? It?s hard to see how Bush comes out stronger out of the debate than he went into it. For months, Kerry?s been lampooned as irresolute, flip flopping Frenchie. What Americans saw was someone who was in command of his facts and, at the very least, seemed resolute. Bush?s body language and sour lemon glances revealed in cutaway shots diminished him. The hunched stance that seems so Clint Eastwood on the campaign trail seemed more slumped on the stage at the University of Miami. Going into the debate Kerry had the bad rap of speaking like a senator, filled with talk of process and policy. But it was Bush who dropped names like Zarqawi without explaining that he?s a leader of Iraqi insurgents. Al Gore got the bad rap for sighing but Bush let out a few audible ones himself, like when he asked how Kerry would pay for his promises and then resignedly said: ?Well that?s for another time.? The Bush team?s hope that Kerry would constantly go over his time limit turned out to be misplaced. Kerry was concise.