The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73905   Message #1286401
Posted By: GUEST,chinmusic
01-Oct-04 - 05:35 PM
Thread Name: BS: D.C. gets Baseball!!!!...
Subject: RE: BS: D.C. gets Baseball!!!!...
Bobert-   I can certainly understand your enthusiam in getting a baseball team back in Washington, however, you did say something significant in your opening remarks. You mentioned that Washington has lost its clubs on two occasions. There must have been good reasons for that, so my question to you is, what has changed to make one think that big league baseball can survive there again? The only reason that the Expos went back to the DC area was that, for years now, they couldn't find another city to facilitate a major league team. The process of finally moving the Expos wouldn't have taken this long, had MLB had a decent alternative. Furthermore, politics had a lot to do with this move, as the Lords Of Baseball are still afraid of anti-trust legislation, and the move to Washington might help in that regard. Can the DC area truly support the Orioles and the new Washington francise? History says no, but perhaps, the population has grown substanially over the last decade. If I was in your shoes, I too, would be excited at the prospect of having the grand old game come back to your nation's capital, but be afraid, be very afraid. For your sake, I hope it works. I hope the Washington team is prepared to give out lots of free passes to free loading politicans.