The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73892   Message #1286445
Posted By: Bill Hahn//\\
01-Oct-04 - 06:16 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bush Declared Winner of First Debate....
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Declared Winner of First Debate....
Unfortunately I was only able to catch the last 15 min. from the ABC version--live; having just returned home. However, CSPAN showed it in its entirety with a split screen---great idea. Really put it into perspective---something one would not have had on radio (and the networks had they not given reaction shots that were verboten according to the deal).   Body language is so important---and Bush surely showed his unease, his not paying attention to Kerry but focusing on his cards. Kerry came across as attentive, erudite, and, frankly, more dynamically spoken than I have heard him.

That said---I do believe he won the debate. If, however, you think back to the days of Adlai Stevenson there is the frightening possibility that intelligent and well documented speech (in our now fully TV age) is eclipsed by the speaker who talks in the most common terms in the most simplistic ways.   This, sadly, translates to votes. I hope I am wrong since what one saw last evening was, finally, a display of the difference of two candidates and the difference between a nuanced and diplomatic person and one who wants to and does sound like the neighborhood bully.

On a lighter note---and I don't mean the color of the wive's dresses--just looking at the Bush Girls was enough to make me want to throw-up. I guess that is what he percieves to be the human touch---might as well have gotten Paris Hilton for a walk on. Say--now there could be an endorsement---he might make her born again and then he can really get the hard core faithful vote.

Bill Hahn