The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73905   Message #1286968
Posted By: GUEST,chinmusic
02-Oct-04 - 03:05 PM
Thread Name: BS: D.C. gets Baseball!!!!...
Subject: RE: BS: D.C. gets Baseball!!!!...
Thanks, Ron and Bobert, for updating me on the expanded population of the Washington area, and the fact that there's big money going to be available to the Washingtons.   With respect, however, I still have a hard time believing that Washington didn't get the Expos by default. Montreal had been ready to pack it in for about five years now, but MLB couldn't find a suitable home for them. For example, Portland and Las Vegas didn't work out, so where else could they go? This is not a slight against Washington, persay, but more my own unexpert opinion. But tha's all water under the bridge now, so get set to welcome the Expos .Here's an idea for you guys. Why not put Washington into the AL East, so they could be natural rivalries with the O's? Makes sense to me. Here in Toronto, I wouldn't mind seeing some NL ball for a change, plus we wouldn't get our asses continually beat up by the Yanks and Bosox. I'm ready for your rebutals.

    As an aside, I think the Yankees starting staff, has them in big trouble for the playoffs. This is not same domineering team of years gone by. I'm not a Red Sox booster at all, but isn't it about time their long suffering fans got rewarded? Looks like the Cubbies are toast anyways.