The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73905   Message #1287001
Posted By: Gorgeous Gary
02-Oct-04 - 04:52 PM
Thread Name: BS: D.C. gets Baseball!!!!...
Subject: RE: BS: D.C. gets Baseball!!!!...
I'm definitely looking forward to baseball in DC. One of our best friends is Chicago-born and a Cubs fan, and a cousin who lives here in DC is San Francisco-born and a Giants fan. So there's two series right off the bat we'll be getting tickets for! 8-)

As for names, I can see a lot of sense in the suggestion of Greys. Unfortunately, in the science-fiction community, "greys" is the term we use to described the Whitely Streiber "Communion"-style aliens (short, grey, oval heads, huge oval eyes). So there would be chuckles among my crowd if we end up with the Washington Greys.

I like Senators or Nationals myself.

-- Gary