The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73905   Message #1287149
Posted By: GUEST
02-Oct-04 - 09:31 PM
Thread Name: BS: D.C. gets Baseball!!!!...
Subject: RE: BS: D.C. gets Baseball!!!!...
Bobert... If I were the Washingtons, I'd try to keep as many of the Expo scouts as I could. After all, the Expos drafted some of the best prospects to come into the bigs over the years, but didn't have the coin to re-sign them. I think you going to have to be patient for a few years, while your farm system gets the chance to replenish itself. It's a shame that, among other players, Washington was a year late in being able to keep Vlady Guerrero. What a draw he would've been down there. I put this question out to you, and Ron. If you had your choice, who would you like to see hired, as your manager of the ballclub? The clubhouse in Montreal was in near revolt against Frank Robinson. It's also too bad Omar Minaya couldn't have been retained as the GM. Under terribly difficult circumstances, he earned his spurs with Montreal. I guess you're counting the days until Opening Day next season. It's going to be an exciting winter though, with new ownership, perhaps a few free agent signings and possible trades. One of my favourite Expos was Brad Wilkerson. I think you'll enjoy watching this guy play. Here's a last thought. Perhaps, if Mr. Bush finds himself out of a job, he can interview as head groundskeeper.