The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73905   Message #1287229
Posted By: GUEST
03-Oct-04 - 12:26 AM
Thread Name: BS: D.C. gets Baseball!!!!...
Subject: RE: BS: D.C. gets Baseball!!!!...
Ron- Here's a couple of more thoughts on the Mets, and their new GM. Usually when a team is in turmoil, such as the Mets have been, one looks to the front office. This year for example, they traded off some of their better young talent, for two middle of the road starters. Don't look for either Zambrano, or Benson, to enter the Hall Of Fame. They gave up Scott Kazmir, whom I think has a chance to be a good pitcher in Tampa Bay. Funny thing is, I don't think that the Mets were real contenders, even before the trading deadline. I recall they got swept by the Braves, immediately after the deadline deal.

    Consider the horrible mess that Minaya inherited in Montreal. For starters, a team owned by the rest of the league. Is that a conflict of interest, or what? The Expos were in contention for most of the '03 season. I don't follow the Expos situation that closely, but apparently, he had the respect of the players up there. In the Mets, he comes to a team with aging stars, and a murky future. He does have his work cut out for him, so time will tell. However, like any other organization, how much of a free reign will he get? I recall the best days of the Mets were as a team built around their pitching. Maybe Minaya should start from there. How 'bout Bobby Cox for manager of the year in the NL. I'm just not a LaRussa fan, but then again, the Card's record can't be overlooked this season. I like Scocia with the Angels in the AL, with Showalter a close second. Bobert, I liked your comeback line in regards to Bush.