The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73970   Message #1287590
Posted By: OtherDave
03-Oct-04 - 04:07 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: National Anthem of Liechtenstein
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: National Anthem of Liechtenstein

The verse you give is #5 in the translation I have, leaving out stuff like:

Lovely in high summertime on high Alpine pastures
Floats heavenly peace, where the chamois freely jumps above
the eagle sways boldy [sic] in the air,
the herdsman sings the Ave toward the homeland

From high green rocks it is a lovely sight to watch
How the silvery ribbon of the Rhine edges the beautiful country
A small fatherland, full of quiet happiness
(Ein kleines Vaterland voll stillen Glucks)

Not exactly exhorting people to water soil with the enemy's blood... but then I read in one of Jacques Barzun's books that Rouget de Lisle, writer of that other anthem, composed his work in a city other than Marseilles. It's a wonder it's not known as Le Strasbourgeoisie.