The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #14764 Message #128769
Posted By: Jeri
27-Oct-99 - 06:23 PM
Thread Name: Radio: MudCat IX -Are we 'On'?
Subject: RE: Radio: MudCat IX -Are we 'On'?
"Plan 9 From Outer..." nah, already taken. Well, it's only a few days until Halloween, and you guys probably won't even wear your costumes. "Get Your Kicks From Episode Ix?" Bad "Mudcat Rides Again" is good. "Full Moon Follies" is real good. "Mudcat IX - Is This Thing On," "Episode IX - The Mudcat's Revenge," "Tales From Mudcat," "Night of the Living Mudcat," er.."The Ninth Life"...aaAcCK...somebody please call the Insanovac for me...