The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #14764 Message #128810
Posted By: Max
27-Oct-99 - 08:33 PM
Thread Name: Radio: MudCat IX -Are we 'On'?
Subject: RE: Radio: MudCat IX -Are we 'On'?
Damn, we lost the first half hour of the show from a crash half way through the show. Sorry all. So we missed a call from Spaw, and a bunch of great witty stuff from Bert and I, but what can you do? We have the last 36 minutes in the archive, so check that out, it is still good. It's available in the archive now. Someday we'll get this down, but as long as we have to use Microsoft products, we will never meet perfection. Thanks a lot Mr. Gates, you asshole, look what you did...