The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73993   Message #1288746
Posted By: catspaw49
04-Oct-04 - 09:53 PM
Thread Name: BS: Happy Birthday Micca!!!
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Micca!!!
Sorry I missed the party!! But allow me to send on a few belated greetings! Here's one for Neville Chamberlain: "Hey Man!! You're really fucked up!"   And here's one for Stirling Moss: "Yo! Stirling! Don't go to Goodwood!" That one is definitely too late. And while I'm at it: "Happy Birthday to the older Michael Patterson!!"

BTW, I was kinda' wondering if you knew what "Many Happy Returns of the Day" means? I noticed a lot of folks on this thread said that and to be truthful, it's always been a complete mystery to me. I mean if you think about it, a good burp , a humongous fart, or a decent crap are all remains of the day. So perhaps they are wishing you good digestion and hence good health. Whaddaya' think? Sounds good to me so on that basis...........


.......ahhhh......nice one.......And a Happy Birthday to you as well!
