The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73542   Message #1289683
Posted By: Bobert
05-Oct-04 - 07:52 PM
Thread Name: BS: The September/Fall Garden
Subject: RE: BS: The September Garden
Oh, those violets can be so invasive and each one makes hundreds of seeds which blow around and next thing ya' know you have a major problem... It is by far out worse weed because it doesn't respond to pre-emergants 'er crongluton, er nuthin'... This year I just went after the larger arreas with round up and then reseeded grass...

There are lots of yery nice controlable groundcovers like mazus, 'er lucimakia, 'er ajuga, 'er, 'er... but violets are a pain...

I just tilled up a new bed which is going to be primarilly rhodos with the usual (and unusual) complimentary fillers...

Anyone using Monroe White lirope? It real nice and rather than the usual lavender/blue flowers it is white...

The sasanquias are blooming nicely (white and pink)....

Going down to 35 tonight so the houseplants are now in the house rather than out on the decks... Picked a few pole beans tonight and about 20 tomatoes just in case it freezes... Last year we ere picking pole beans right up until about November... Bell peppers should be okay... 'Sposed to get warmer as the week goes on...
