The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68129   Message #1289789
Posted By: Malcolm Douglas
05-Oct-04 - 10:12 PM
Thread Name: A national anthem for England
Subject: RE: A national anthem for England
The subject has been done to death here in the past, and I do wish that people would make the tiny effort required to check the forum before embarking on yet another pointless piece of tedious repetition. Nothing new has been said here, nor is it likely to be. It will only bring the troublemakers and racists crawling out of the woodwork.

I would have expected Barrie, who I gather is a lawyer, to know that historical studies have moved on a little since the 18th century; but long-established romantic fantasies are hard to shrug off, I suppose; and the far more interesting and complex truth is less convenient in that it does not conform to the narrow mind-set of inherited prejudice.