The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #74091   Message #1290746
Posted By: Bill Hahn//\\
06-Oct-04 - 08:14 PM
Thread Name: BS: Edwards / Cheney a draw?
Subject: RE: BS: Edwards / Cheney a draw?
Having viewed the debate I was surprised to see Cheney not loosing his cool---and, frankly, Edwards not being his usual ebulent self.

One statement that needed a great riposte by Edwards never was made.

Cheney: (paraphrase) I am at most Senate sessions on Tuesdays and tonight is the first time I have ever met you. You have missed 76% of the sessions.

So---the riposte---"Some Tuesday sessions? How many? Where are you--as Pres. Pro Tempe of the Senate the other days?   Were you not there on the days I was?"

Too bad --since they were getting personal---he did nt come up with that.

I reiterate---Darth Vader against the Jedi.

Today---in non debate and scripted format Bush lashed out against Kerry in his usual vitupurative manner (provided it is written) and his writers had him explain his ticks and frowns---he is upset with Kerry and his statements. Tsk Tsk!!!! Best to talk to daddy--the Big Dick (Cheney)

Bill Hahn