The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #14733   Message #129142
Posted By: katlaughing
28-Oct-99 - 03:48 PM
Thread Name: Retirement/Retreat Community for M'cats
Subject: RE: Retirement/Retreat Community for M'cats

Is not self-censorship the best a humane citizenship can hope for? Should we not strive to harm none through the spoken or written word and our actions? And, yea, though we may think someone the south end of a northward trekking horse, is it not better to tell them how nicely they are looking these days, telling a small lie, rather than call them the former? Is it not said in the good book of Pooh, that one should always share the honey pot, deferring to their guests rather than exercising their ownership in a selfish display of gluttony? Do not the elders say we must always give and let our attackers help themselves on into the brick wall, rather than stand in their way, resisting and being crashed into and harmed, thus causing harm? And, in one's intimate moments, is it control we seek or utter and compleat surrender. To feel or not to feel is not necessarily the definitive question; rather ask the motivation of the suggestor and the reply of the suggestee. Is it not important to delve into the cheek, determining placement of the tongue in such statements, thus discerning the motivation? Is it not wonderful to ponder these and other questions of the Universe in this, the Center of the Web; weaving our thoughts into the minds of humankind, thus spreading the Gospel of Phoak, expounding and expanding the parameters of the mind, heart, and soul while also expanding the pervasiveness of The Tao of Phoak? Join us, now, brothers and sisters, for 'tis a noble endeavour we seek to accomplish and other intangible rewards await the eager participant.*

*Show this monograph at your first meeting and receive 5,000 free Karmic Brownie Points.

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