The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #41009   Message #1291474
Posted By: GUEST,BillyL.
07-Oct-04 - 02:05 PM
Thread Name: Fender Acoustic Guitars
Subject: RE: Fender Acoustic Guitars
I'm sure everyone of you play bettern'I do but.....and it's a big but-I like my fender Alexxus(yes two x's) constructed by Koreans c.1988. But I have played (borrowed) much more expensive guitars such as a Tacoma and I can definitely hear the difference q-wality makes. On the other hand Yamahas are much lighter and have a nice feel. My Fender was a Christmas gift from my wife so I will cherish it for ever. The first bridge cracked so the entire guitar was replaced.(So I guess I'm actually sentimental about the second guitar...Hmmm,this sentimentality thing gets confusing.)It looks OK nothing fancy. I replaced the saddle and continue to struggle through all of the internet tab sites. Maybe someday my playing will warrant a better guitar. Does anyone know about Marvel guitars? I have a beat up one calleda "special" but I'm not sure what is special about it.