The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #74087   Message #1291896
Posted By: Ron Davies
07-Oct-04 - 10:45 PM
Thread Name: BS: Depressing Thoughts Of A 60 Yr. Old
Subject: RE: BS: Depressing Thoughts Of A 60 Yr. Old
3 easy ways to fight depression

1) Do all you can to send Mr. Bush to a well-deserved retirement in the ancestral home (in Connecticut). He's on his way--just needs a little push. That will improve the whole world.

2) If you can, try to catch "The Daily Show", as several posters have already suggested. If the best way to combat idiocy is ridicule, as I've read, then the Bush-Cheney absurdity has no chance.

3) Try reading more above the line, perhaps less below. The music threads are always fun. And do as much music yourself as you can, preferably as part of a group.

I sang a memorial service yesterday for a member of our chorus. And felt wonderful
afterwards. It was great to see so many of the group, past and present, and to sing mixed--not by part--though we were sightreading 2 of the 3 pieces. And it was great to learn so much about my fellow chorus member--it's too bad we frequently don't know that much about a person til they're gone.

There was a wonderful eulogy: sample---Harold was "never lacking for female companionship" and (married 3 times) was "always hopeful".

I met a friend, former member of the group, who will be in a vaudeville evening soon--probably wouldn't have heard about it except for singing the service.

I told the director "Too bad Harold's not here to enjoy it".   He replied "He may be--we don't know".

The Getaway is coming up real soon. Even if you can't make it to the Getaway, there are always new songs to learn--Mudcat helps immeasurably.

Music is just endlessly satisfying, on so many levels and a wonderful bulwark against depresssion.