The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #74135   Message #1292137
Posted By: Naemanson
08-Oct-04 - 05:44 AM
Thread Name: Springtime In Guam
Subject: RE: Springtime In Guam
I sure am feeling stronger. It's funny but the clouds have cleared off and the sun has been shining a lot lately. As I drove up to Tumon earlier today I noticed how nice the weather was.

I am settling into the retired lifestyle very well. Occasionally I still think that I am only off for a few days and will have to go back to the office but I am getting over that. I have officially declared the word "w--k" to be a four letter word. No more to be under thrall.

I am at Gordon's house on a Friday evening. He invited me down for dinner. The table has plenty of food and I am knocking back a Smirnoff Ice. They are calling me to eat. More later.