The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #74206   Message #1292622
Posted By: maire-aine
08-Oct-04 - 05:13 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bad Cat!!!!
Subject: RE: BS: Bad Cat!!!!
My cat Little One was the most anti-social cat I'd ever met. Momma Cat had her kittens under the next door neighbor's porch. I rescued/adopted Little One, her mother and a sister & brother. It was years before LO would even come out of hiding, let alone come close enough to be petted. But she loves to have her ears scratched, and loves to spend her time sleeping in the sun, or sleeping on top of the heat vent. And a few years ago, she started coming up into bed with me. Now she waits for me to come to bed, lays down next to me and lets me pet her. Your kitty will come around in his own time. Good for you for having him neutered.
