The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #74209   Message #1293255
Posted By: Bat Goddess
09-Oct-04 - 03:18 PM
Thread Name: Post-Getaway Party at SINSULL's
Subject: RE: Post-Getaway Party at SINSULL's
Well, Sins, I guess that answers my question as to who was bringing His Eyebrow-ness down to the Press Room (and hence to our humble abode in Nottingham) for the Friday night session.

Let himself know I've shovelled a path to the guestroom bed and gotten rid of the wasp castle in the window so he won't have to fight THEM for possession of the room . . . but I can't make any promises about the flying squirrels. ;-) (Ah, it's a highly idiosyncratic house we have . . .) Oh, and the pining flamingo is awaiting his return.

But then again, we may stay up all night talking and singing. (As long as we can function on Saturday to get him to the airport.)
