The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #74106   Message #1293556
Posted By: Alice
09-Oct-04 - 10:53 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Return of Ten obscure facts about you
Subject: RE: BS: The Return of Ten obscure facts about you
I gave ten in the last thread, but will give ten more here.

1. My grandmother ten generations back (on my mom's side) was Martha Allen Carrier, who was hanged as a witch in the hysteria in Andover and Salem. Her husband, Thomas Carrier, my grandfather ten generations back, was over 7' tall. More interesting facts about them are at this web site: Click here
"A little background on Thomas MORGAN aka CARRIER. Thomas was born about 1626 in Wales. There is evidence that he served in the Royal Army. Some have reported that Thomas, said to be over 7 feet tall, was one of the two regicides who, while disguised by frock and visor, appeared upon the scaffold before Whitehall and executed Charles I. Thomas emigrated in 1655 to Cambridge Mass. The hostility with which Thomas and his family were treated in Mass. lends color to the tradition that he was connected with the Royal Army, but discredits the fact that he was the Executioner of Charles I."

2. My gx10mother Martha Carrier was the great great grand daughter of Henry Ingalls, borh in 1480, also an ancestor of Laura Ingalls Wilder, the American author.

3. I have a letter and pressed fern leaf sent to me from Yoko Ono when I was in college. I had asked for a catalog of one of her shows that was opening called "Fly" and as the catalog was late, I received a letter in apology with a fern leaf enclosed.

4. I didn't know my first name until I entered kindergarten. My family called me by my middle name, Colleen, and I didn't know my first name is Alice until I started school. (But I do use the name I was born with!)

5. My first entrepreneurial effort was a nightcrawler (fish bait) business that I started in the fifth grade. I made my own electric shocker to gather nightcrawlers (a wonder I didn't electrocute myself).
It was my source of spending money for several summers.

6. I have a collection of old cameras - small bellows cameras, old brownies, unusual old brands and movie cameras.

7. I am very allergic to feathers. I have to stay away from feather bedding, feather dusters, etc.

8. My mentor in college was Bob DeWeese, one of the main characters of "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance".

9. I have two scars on my chin from separate childhood accidents. They are fairly noticeable, a half inch long, but of all the people in my lifetime that I've met, only one person has asked me about the scars.

10. My son needs the computer, so I can't finish this one!!!!!!!