The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #74261   Message #1293806
Posted By: Little Hawk
10-Oct-04 - 11:39 AM
Thread Name: BS: Battling squirrels
Subject: BS: Battling squirrels
Read this astonishing story about a pair of idiots, the LeRoys, who fought a costly war with the squirrels in their backyard over who would get the "birdseed"....


Ed and Jean LeRoy, who not long ago set up their first bird feeder on a post in their New Berlin, Wisconsin, backyard in the hopes of attracting beautiful songbirds. Their excitement was short- lived, however, when a gray squirrel completely emptied the feeder even before the first bird arrived.

By the second day, the couple was hosting a squirrel convention in their yard. On the third day, Ed LeRoy purchased a squirrel baffle to put on the pole below the bird feeder. Within five minutes, the crafty animals found that they could jump over the baffle and onto the feeder from a nearby tree limb. So LeRoy started cutting tree limbs. The squirrels then jumped from the tree trunk. In response, he cut down the tree. But the squirrels merely jumped to the feeder from another tree further away.

Exasperated, LeRoy was not about to give in to the creatures, so he cut down that tree, too. But then the squirrels learned how to pull down the side of the baffle and climb over it. LeRoy built a better baffle that would not bend, but the squirrels simply jumped to the top of the feeder from the ground. An extension was added to the post, though it didn't elevate the feeder enough. At last report, the couple was actually considering building a wide moat with water around the feeder.


Amazing, isn't it? These two morons ruin their own backyard in a fruitless attempt to frustrate a few hungry squirrels, when they could have simply scattered some seed around on the ground as well as in the bird feeder and kept the squirrels AND the birds happy simultaneously for a few dollars a week!

Squirrels are smart. People are idiots. And there is no such thing as "birdseed" (seeds are seeds are seeds...and seeds are made to be eaten by squirrels as well as by birds).

I think the LeRoys should be nominated for a Darwin Award.