The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #14800   Message #129493
Posted By: AndyG
29-Oct-99 - 12:53 PM
Thread Name: About Irish Rebel Songs
Subject: RE: About Irish Rebel Songs

There is evidence that the individual exerts significant influence over the behaviour of group.
There is no evidence that the individual takes any part in the group action that generates the outcome.
There is plenty of evidence that group action is responsible for the outcome.

is the individual in any way responsible for:
a) the actions of the group ?
which result in:
b) the outcome. ?

Now try:
GroupThe Nazi Party
ActionGross Inhumanity
Outcome~20 million dead

Were your answers the same ?

Andy "Over-simplifications'R'Us" G

...but now the question seems to have changed from;
Am I responsible for particular actions which I didn't explicitly request ?
Does glorification of (historical) violence promote contempary violence ?

If the performer is deliberately attempting to incite the audience to violent action, (definite or unspecified) then (s)he's in the position described above.
If there is no such intent, then the audience reaction to the message they infer from the content, is (but only just) beyond the performers responsibilty.

Andy "but I don't know though" G