The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #74312   Message #1296004
Posted By: Pete_Standing
13-Oct-04 - 06:03 AM
Thread Name: Kate Rusby - What Guitar?
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Kate Rusby - What Guitar?

I've only researced UK luthiers and makers. If you want a very short lead time but still want something hand made, try Fylde
or Oakwood. Both companies concentrate on standard models but will do custom stuff and you will get an instrument probably in 3 months for less than 2000 UKP. If you want to go down the luthier route, use Alta Vista or Google and do a UK based search for luthier. You'll be surprised how many there are - but be warned - I wanted a guitar for my half century and commissioned someone more than a year ago who subsequently ran into difficulties. Subsequently, I found a maker in Lewes, near Brigton, called Nick Benjamin (I found some others but I don't have the information to hand - I'll post that tonight). His build time is about 6 to 9 months and a basic model will cost less than 2000 UKP. His higher end models will still only be about 2500 UKP. I've played a couple of his guitars. Both were very comfortable, one had a mellow sound and the other a gloriously bright and lively sound - it depends on the choice of wood and type of construction. He will spend time with you choosing what wood etc is right for "your sound" and advise on the type of body, profile of neck etc for "your style" and stick to the agreed price. I chose to go with him because after waiting a year, I did not want to spend a huge amount of time doing more research and visiting. So it is a lottery really. Either choose a very well known luthier and pay the price and wait and wait, throw caution to the wind and find someone who is less well known and therefore cheaper and quicker, go to a high quality maker such as Fylde or Oakwood, or just go to a guitar shop and buy a good brand. I tried some good brands and thought the expense was not justifiable. The increase in quality over what I already have was not a quantum leap. One thing is sure, some of the less well known luthiers will inevitable raise their prices and have longer lead times as they become noticed. I don't want to say Nick is better than anyone else, that would be absurd, and it might well turn out that the instrument I have ordered could be a turkey, but I doubt it. If you want one, he is starting a new batch soon, so you'll have to be quick off the mark.