The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #74338   Message #1296059
Posted By: George Papavgeris
13-Oct-04 - 08:21 AM
Thread Name: El Greco or Jez Lowe ?
Subject: RE: El Greco or Jez Lowe ?
Not worthy...not worthy...(prostrate, face North East and pay homage)I am not worthy...! Not even to change his strings!

Perhaps after I have written a "Salonika Big Meeting", or "Athens Jail", or "Last Widow of the Peloponnese", or "Athens Danny", or "Latchkey Jigolo"... Or, to reverse the analogy, a "Durham Lightning". Perhaps never, and that's fine by me. See, Jez is a songwriting hero of mine. Plus, I look crap on a pedestal (looks not being my strong point, plus my fear of heights).

The sentiments are appreciated nevertheless, Flatcap ;-) And gratefully accepted. And thank you too for the good words, Ali.

I must say, I am really looking forward to coming "oop North" again, I value my good friends there and miss them. Plus I get to listen to Jez and Brian (whom I love both) and to Elaine & Sam (about whom I have heard very good words).

Been a long time, Bernard. Get the squeezebox out and let's bash out some tunes!