The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #70584   Message #1296507
Posted By: Big Al Whittle
13-Oct-04 - 08:38 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Iraq Solution
Subject: RE: BS: The Iraq Solution
I think England had its neocon phase in the Thatcher era.
Its a bit like a cocaine high - everything absolutely dreadful looks like an exciting challenge. At any rate while the country is in the grip of it - they won't see any alternatives to acting like rude arrogant warmongering morons. You're only four years into it - if your experience is anything like ours you have another five or six to go.
They will keep promising the green shoots of recovery - but it never comes cos they spend all the wealth of the country on mad right wing theories and schemes. In England it was a national curriculum in schools(with all kids doing the same whatever level of ability)and they wanted all doctors to become some shopkeeper/businessmen - it was all crap - no teachers or doctors wanted it - just a few right wing ideologues.
Another strange by product of it - after years of causing massive unemployment - young people growing up without jobs and very disillusioned. they claim that everything the next lot achieve - by doing the exact opposite is all on account of their foresight. Be ready for that one.