The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #14832   Message #129652
Posted By: Melbert
29-Oct-99 - 07:19 PM
Thread Name: A Gig From Hell
Subject: RE: A Gig From Hell
When I was younger I belonged to a youth organisation called "the Boys' Brigade". Not sure if you guys across the pond (US) know it by that name, but it's like the scouts but more church oriented.

I was a bugler in the band and we were asked to participate in a youth orchestra / opera performance of Noyes Fludde (Noah's Flood) by Benjamin Britten, which features a part for B flat bugle.

This involved sitting for countless nights through umpteen endless performances of a piece of music which I found extremely boring, simply to play the bugle part which lasted all of thirty seconds per performance.

I've also experienced this summer playing two sessions of fourteen nights each in an "Irish" bar in southern Turkey (of all places) so I have a deal of sympathy with the threads on "don't ask me to sing the Wild Rover / Fields of Athenry" etc.