The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #74371   Message #1296659
Posted By: dianavan
14-Oct-04 - 01:33 AM
Thread Name: BS: They both lost the debate
Subject: BS: They both lost the debate
I just finished watching the 3rd debate. Kerry had every opportunity to nail Bush on domestic policy but he blew it all when he said something about "marrying up." That was such a tacky thing to say. I decided that Kerry was a tacky politician. Bush, on the other hand said some funny, kinda "down home" stuff that would really appeal to most Americans. Made him seem almost human.

The debate was boring and not very informative. It was as if they were two employees who work for the same company and had on their best professional faces. You would never guess that this was a competition.

I can't stand either one of them. Good luck, America.
