The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #14834   Message #129691
Posted By: Lonesome EJ
29-Oct-99 - 09:34 PM
Thread Name: M'Catterbury Tales-add a verse!
Subject: RE: M'Catterbury Tales-add a verse!
One man came before them, dressed in muckle finerie
His namme was Maximillian, and he woulde theire Leader be
Who,with a bolde Knighte Templar, Sir Bertrand was his namme
Vowed to go the righteous waye, and nought the Pathe of Shame

There stood a red-topped Giante, who was a man of Eire
His tempere was a fierie as his top-knotte of redde haire
A cooke of Grete Reknowne he was, for he hadde been schooled in Brussels
Ande he coulde cooke a salmon welle, and also shrimpe and mussels