The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #74371   Message #1297225
Posted By: Charley Noble
14-Oct-04 - 05:39 PM
Thread Name: BS: They both lost the debate
Subject: RE: BS: They both lost the debate
I didn't watch the 3rd debate this time. We were reheasing music and our hosts do not have a TV but we did listen to it when we were through unraveling harmonies. I agree that Kerry won, as does the polling of the various undecided, but he missed a few chances to really hammar Bush on the fiscal crisis, half a trillion over budget, that's he's racked up this year, and Bush calls himself a fiscal conservative.

I thought the most interesting foray from Bush was his image of "our armies of compassion bringing freedom and liberty to people all over the world." It's probably a reworking of his "compassionate conservatism" applied on an international level. Maybe we should roll this one out as a song to the tune of "Unward Christain Soldiers" except it would probably work for Bush. I would love to see this man dropped off the back of a pick-up truck in Sadr City; I bet he'd really draw a crowd!

I guess I'll watch the debate this evening on the VCR and see if I missed a smirk or two.

I liked the line about "marrying up." I thought it showed some spontaneous humor on the part of Kerry. Even Bush seemed amused.

I find annonymous guests tedious. Ken Rove, why don't you just post under your real name?

Charley Noble