The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #74351   Message #1297497
Posted By: GUEST
14-Oct-04 - 11:26 PM
Thread Name: BS: neither candidate is an asshole
Subject: RE: BS: neither candidate is an asshole
"It would be for more likely that such a move be promoted by the neo-fascist camp, for it is fascist in its nature, but they would have nothing to gain by it."

Bullshit. The Democrats are already doing just that IN THIS ELECTION. They have brought lawsuits to get Nader off the ballot in Florida, Arkansas, Wisconsin, Arizona, Oregon--20 states in all. They tried to stop Sinclair Broadcasting from airing an anti-Kerry film.

The Democrats obviously they have plenty to gain--like the White House for instance--by circumventing and undermining the nation's democratic traditions, otherwise they wouldn't be working so hard to do just that.

But hey, we don't expect anything less from you and your Anybody But Bushite fanatic buddies--you are all floating down that river in Egypt, in search of ever lamer justifications for your man and your party being full of fascist global plutocrats, and playing this demagoguing game.