The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #74351   Message #1297555
Posted By: dianavan
15-Oct-04 - 01:30 AM
Thread Name: BS: neither candidate is an asshole
Subject: RE: BS: neither candidate is an asshole
Ellenpoly - Thanks for refreshing my memory. I was trying to remember who ran against Nixon! It was the first time I was old enough to vote, something I had waited for all of my life! I remember looking at my choices and realizing then what a sham democracy was. Some choice! I knew it then and I know it now.

heric - huh??? - "Canada has not cornered the market on honest politicians." I certainly do not think they are honest and I question authority more often than not. I was commenting on the so called "debate". It was just plain boring. At least the politicians in Canada aren't afraid of expressing their point of view. Of course, that does not mean they do not engage in "backroom politics". At least they give us a good show in parliament.

It was so obvious in the U.S. debate that both candidates were trying to seem more moderate, more neutral and did not want to make waves or alienate any voters.

Milk toast! Pablum!
