The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #74341   Message #1298205
Posted By: Tannywheeler
15-Oct-04 - 06:22 PM
Thread Name: BS: Hot Toddy recipes?
Subject: RE: BS: Hot Toddy recipes?
The "Hot Whisky" as served in any Irish Pub (one in Ireland) will certainly improve one's sense of well-being, if it's been impaired. Been there, done that.

Thanksgiving Day, 1968: Plans afoot for my first time to fix The Dinner and have other family members come to visit. Did a LOT of prepwork the day before. Just needed to pop out of bed on the day and start putting stuff in the oven/pots and pans. Hah!!! Woke up with the galloping eppizoodick, hurt in places on my bod that don't really exist. Hubby leaps up, pulling on clothes as he flies out the door. Returns in about an hour -- found an open liquor store on Thanksgiving Day, in a dry county!! And people say there is no God. He had a bottle of what we started calling "Dr. Beam's Magic Elixir of Life" that day (90proof). He made me a Hot Toddy -- whisky, honey, whole cloves, boiling water, lemon slice. By the end of the first half of the dose (aka first mug) I had my legs over the side of the bed and 'lowed as how I wasn't feeling as bad as earlier. Second half of the dose is carried in to me and before I'd half finished it I was "...out in that kitchen and rattle those pots and pans". By the time my brother-in-law and his wife arrived I didn't know what pain was. Dinner was ready, the food was surprisingly good, and a good time was had by all.

Cloves have anti-(septic? bacterial?) properties. That's what does the magic. Right??? Tw