The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66092   Message #1298256
Posted By: katlaughing
15-Oct-04 - 07:54 PM
Thread Name: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
Ah, you're such a grand bunch of friends. Thanks so much to you all. I've just spoken to dad's wife and he's being cantankerous, which is about par for the course when he doesn't feel up to snuff. It just means he's chomping at the bit and not wanting too much of a fuss made of him.:-) She said it went alright and they are just hoping it will take care of the problem. She said when he was having so much trouble because of infected teeth he was a LOT better once they were removed, so she thought that might be the case, this time. She went on to say, she guessed they'd just take it a piece at a time!**bg** I told he he had plenty of parts. (Spaw, when he is feeling better I WILL share your suggestions with him. They will tickle his funny bone, which thankfully is intact!)
