The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66092   Message #1298335
Posted By: open mike
15-Oct-04 - 10:06 PM
Thread Name: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
i hope he kicked that horse right back...
and maybe they can remove the cantancerous
part, too?
i listened tohis c.d. justthe other day
and am im a band who ;lays cowboy songs.
got to get a recording made so we can
send it to him!!
yippie ti yi yo!
as one of the members of the Weavers
said when his toe had to be amputated
because of diabetes...he wrote a song
"Ode to my Toe" with instructions about
how to compost it....and other parts
if need be...Lee Hays from the Weavers...