The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73943   Message #1298518
Posted By: dianavan
16-Oct-04 - 02:03 PM
Thread Name: BS: Illegal Immigration
Subject: RE: BS: Illegal Immigration
BillD - You said, "we would have a situation where the infrastructure, from major business to the news media to school systems..etc were still largely controlled by Caucasians, mostly of W.A.S.P persuasion."

True - Therein lies the argument for early education, hiring practices that include minorities, balanced media coverage, and an absence of racial profiling and stereotyping. Of course these are only ideals but does that mean we shouldn't strive for the ideal?

If you choose Spanish as your other official language then you only have to cater to two languages. Canada did it because Quebec is predominately French and its part of Canada. Which states are predominately Spanish speaking? California? Texas? Arizona? New Mexico? Florida? I don't know. I believe that originally they might have been Spanish speaking territories. Then again, if you combine all the Spanish speakers that are legally in the U.S., what is the ratio? If its very high, it would be prudent to educate children in both languages. Its when people have a hard time communicating that misunderstandings occur.

I don't know if you can really compare Canada and the U.S. on the language debate but you can certainly use it as an example of how a government can make laws to provide inclusion. English lang. businesses had to go through some growing pains but it seems the adjustments have been made. Just like we had to go through some growing pains to adopt the metric system.

Seems to me that for a Nation to grow and prosper, it must flexible and willing to make some changes.

