The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #14733   Message #129867
Posted By: katlaughing
30-Oct-99 - 02:24 PM
Thread Name: Retirement/Retreat Community for M'cats
Subject: RE: Retirement/Retreat Community for M'cats
Sure, 'Spaw, hell if ya want you can sign over your first born (possum, that is) and owe NOTHING! As long as you want undoctored brownies i don't think there should be a problem, but ya know the whole program was designed with your immortal soul in mind. I understand your wanting to feel good, esp. for a life of such longevity, but remember the rewards we wait for are sometimes the greatest of all, so just think what you might expect at 130 with all those Karmic Brownie Points instead of the kind that can become so evident in a physical way, if ya know what I mean.
