The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #30334   Message #1300425
Posted By: GUEST,Eric
19-Oct-04 - 04:17 AM
Thread Name: What's a Strad, Amati etc fiddle?
Subject: RE: What's a Strad, Amati etc fiddle?
Treewind hit the nail on the head about wood from germany.

All the ebony is found from germany, been sitting around for ages.All the best woods wether maple, fiddle back ect all comes from germany.

I found a violin maker here in australia a while back with ebony that was 100 yo.I bought his last 6 planks , each blank only big enough for 1 guitar finger board , he gave me a discount price of $200 each if i bought the 6.
Bargain, you cannot buy ebony that old.The ebony fingerboard on an old strad is probally the most important piece of the violin, it is irriplaceable.The rest of the body could be repaired.
Once you have worked with 100 yo ebony or older you will know what i mean.
A true violinist will pay big bucks for old instruments on the age of the instrument, the older the violin, the better it should sound.
Theoredically, a 200 yo copy strad would sound as good as a real strad if it was a real copy and made of similar wood and dimensions.
I have a strad copy, it says its a copy, but there is no made in germany or the likes.I know it is hand made by all the mistakes, it sounds fantastic as well.
The only way to tell is to have the wood tested for age, you may find your 200 yo copy would also be worth big bucks.
I know a 1719 yo strad sold for $16 million recently, id be real happy if my copy, which may be as old was worth $100,000.00
and im betting a true violinist would pay that for a 200yo strad copy.
Any takers :)