The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #74572   Message #1302144
Posted By: Once Famous
20-Oct-04 - 04:56 PM
Thread Name: BS: Is George Bush Insane?
Subject: RE: BS: Is George Bush Insane?
Well, Brucie, I'm 54 and plan to get to somewhere around 90 like those before me.

Do you notice that the compulsives for Bush are the Limbaughs and the Hannitys? You may not agree with them, but they have much more listening to them than Amos does or somebody like Bobert.

They are working hard to show that you just cannot run a campain like Kerry's twisting everyting to be Bush's vault.

I have a gut feeling that people are starting to realize that it is truly Kerry who is now saying anything he can to try to dsicredit Bush. It's like someone said in the Bush is insane thread. Are 50 % of the supporters of Bush insane also? I think not. However, I do believe more and more discreditation is being done every day by the ones who ask these type of questions.