The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #11879   Message #130252
Posted By: lamarca
31-Oct-99 - 11:23 PM
Thread Name: Animals' response to music
Subject: RE: Animals' response to music
I have an 18 year old, tiny Siamese cat who has been a life-long music critic. I don't play an instrument, but she seems to regard my singing as cries of distress. When my husband and I rehearse, she'll sometimes stand on my lap and "Maaaaah" into my face piteously. She doesn't like my husband's singing either, and has, on one or two occasions, jumped in his lap and bit his (steel) guitar strings while he was trying to play. If we show no indication of stopping our horrible noises, she curls up on the sofa and looks miserable until we're done.

We hosted a singing workshop taught by Jerry Epstein at our home several years ago, and Val didn't fuss about anyone else's singing; just mine... (our human friends seem to like our voices just fine, so maybe she's just pickier. I actually think it's part of her general jealousy of any activity that ISN'T paying 100% attention to the World's Cutest Kitty Cat.)