The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #14887   Message #130281
Posted By: darkriver
01-Nov-99 - 12:25 AM
Thread Name: Thought for the day (one anyway): Nov.1
Subject: Thought for the day (one anyway): Nov.1
(I hope I'm not breaking any rules by posting a TFTD ahead of Peter T. or Katlaughing.)

The dearest nation of all is one that will survive no longer than you and I, a common movement at the mercy of death and time: the ad hoc adventure.     -- Gravity's Rainbow (1973)

This popped into my head while I was thinking of the nature of this community, not bound by geography (well, except for the Earth), race, economics--the whole ball of divisive wax. The internet has really promoted ad hoc adventurism.

darkriver (doug m.)