The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #74209   Message #1303156
Posted By: JudyB
21-Oct-04 - 03:48 PM
Thread Name: Post-Getaway Party at SINSULL's
Subject: RE: Post-Getaway Party at SINSULL's
Thanks for the invite, but I'm afraid I'll have to pass. I've got a cold, and I can't quite see how sharing it with everyone else would make anyone feel better in the long run (though being there would be great in the short run!). I'll expect a full report, and I'll dig out our bottle of JD (or maybe the margaritas - more vitamin C!) and raise a glass to Kendall & Jacqui at 7 pm! (And maybe a toast to Micca at 7:05 and one to you at 7:08 and ... I'll probably be ready for bed by 7:15 or so!)

Give Kendall & Jacqui a hug for me.

Love to all,