The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #74590   Message #1303267
Posted By: cumbrian
21-Oct-04 - 05:53 PM
Thread Name: Warped Martin
Subject: RE: Warped Martin
Surely it depends upon the retailers warranty as to whether or not they will do anything.
Most retailers will honour a one year warranty, this being independant of any manufacturers warranty.
I suspect the real problem here is that the retailer has little or no relationship to the new distributor and no further connection to the old distributor ( who may well not exist anymore ), plus if the guitar is beyond any informal one year warranty agreement, the retailer will say tough, find a luthier or contact Martin.
I have had dealings with Martin regarding problems with a high end instrument here in the UK, and found that while being polite, they offered little or no useful help in the circumstances.
It sounds like a horrendous problem with this particular guitar and way beyond the typical scenario created by some kind of structural failure.
The area of the top around the neck is usually about the most reliable part of the top. Typically, I have come across odd problems with the bridge lifting on newish guitars, due to the natural bellying pof the soundboard in that area and the bridge not going with the flow as it were, other than that, in extreme circumstances a crack can occur in the back or sides, normally temperature related or due to impact stress. There are many other things that can happen ( it is wood we are talking about, but for the guitar to warp as described is very odd indeed.
I sincerely hope that this has a happy outcome, because I know only too well the disappointment of seeing great expectations in an instrument go bad ( thankfully not for a long time now, thanks Mr Roger Bucknall )