The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #50733   Message #1304637
Posted By: Big Al Whittle
23-Oct-04 - 06:16 AM
Thread Name: Any serious 12 strings players left?
Subject: RE: Any serious 12 strings players left?
I really love the 12 sound on the variax modelling acoustic sound guitar.

Whilst this may not be for the folk purist, or the guy who has a guitar tech and an entourage to sort out all his pre-gig stuff. I find this instrument very satisfactory for pub gigs and the occasional folk gig.

No more tuning problems, volume to die for, less hand strain - ease of access to open tunings.

Its not an easy instrument to get to terms with, having said that. However earlier this year, I was contemplating putting together a gig using several guitars and when this thing came out earlier in the year, I knew I had to look at it. It is getting there. the greater volume you have makes it difficult to judge - particularly in different roooms.

thats the current problem - there have been others. It took an age to understand how to tune it - the book was dreadful - luckily another mudcatter helped me out. All I'm saying is, if you want a 12 sound - you could do a lot worse if you're in a band.

I work solo. For small quiet folk clubs - the acoustic is best. But for anything larger - say venues of 150 or so - the variax takes a lot of the crap out of the job - tuning problems, feedback etc

anyway thats my opinion.