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Thread #74439   Message #1304994
Posted By: GUEST,Frank
23-Oct-04 - 03:39 PM
Thread Name: BS: 'Choking on Progressives for Kerry'
Subject: RE: BS: 'Choking on Progressives for Kerry'

Whether Nader is taking the Republican money or not, I tend not to take his denial as a meaningful source of proof that he didn't.

Jesse Ventura didn't last long. He was a diversion because of the humorous idea of having a wrestler in government. Also, he represents the values of the Republicans in that he represents the classic Schwartzenegger figure.I find it very difficult to take what Jesse has to say seriously. As to Al Gore, he is the president of the US. The Republicans managed to steal the election in 2000. So Jesse didn't get it right.

The reason that neither party can pull in enough votes for a landslide is simple. Bush is a Divider, not a Uniter. Polarity in the electorate is greater today than it has been in some time. It has little to do with facts or policies but is a "culture war" between hard-assed dictatorial Republicans and Progressive Liberal Democrats who oppose that manner of behaving.

There is no candidate however that walks on water. Kerry's references to Iran are disturbing. We don't need to be going into that country. However, next to Bush, he is an angel. When he is in office, we can put his feet to the fire. Democrats aren't saints. I don't know any rational person who believes that. But they can recognize a "spoiler" when a crazy guy in the White House
threatens the stability of our country with his sabre rattling, fear mongering and sanguinary platform of international policy and someone interferes with the process of ousting him. There is no psychological disconnect here.

The premise behind the Nader support is that Kerry is going to be just like Bush and turn Republican for some reason. That's specious thinking. Kerry is not a compromiser. He has his own opinions, many with which I agree but not all.

There is nothing wrong with the passion that some young people feel who are disgusted with the status quo.   If it were McCain vrs. Kerry or even Bush Sr. vrs. Kerry, the Naderites would have more traction. But we are in a plane of reality that says that another four years of Bush will be a disaster for our country. He is not only incompetent to lead but is emotionally disturbed. Nader has to see that and know that his time is not yet here. If we are fortunate in the development in our democracy, that time may yet come.
I think a three, four or whatever party system is a healthy thing in normal times. But in this election, the whole notion of democracy and representative government is in peril. We are in danger of a kind of new fascism.

Future generations will go through the same kind of disillusionment that spark their idealism in the political jungle. The idealism, however, is a great thing for our country and needs to be respected, but what will your future children say if you allowed Bush another four years? It would be betrayal to allow this.


What Keillor said was to paraphrase, in this election, worship anyone you like but when you go into the voting booth vote for the Man. He didn't mean Nader or Bush.

