The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #74708   Message #1305463
Posted By: Alba
24-Oct-04 - 05:31 AM
Thread Name: Obit: Walking Eagle-Julie Pennell-October 3, 2004
Subject: RE: Obit: Walking Eagle - Julie Pennell
Oh Julie. May your Journey be full of Love and Light.
I am so sad to hear you have passed over. I know that the Pain has ended and that is something to hold onto to here. It is sad to say Goodbye though as I always hoped......
May You Fly High Walking Eagle. You fought the good Fight with a Courage I can only imagine and You shared Yourself with us...Thank you.
You are in my Thoughts.
Blessings, many Blessings to You. once again prove to me what Friendship is.
Love and Hugs to You darlin.
Lovely Words Janie and Tinker.